All AnnouncementsCall for Papers- "Political Economy of the Eastern Mediterranean and the TRNC"
Published Date: Tuesday, 30 April 2024
In collaboration with Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University and Eastern Mediterranean University, the second "Akademi Congress of Economics and Administrative Sciences" will be held at the Eastern Mediterranean University on 17-18 October 2024. The main theme of the congress will be "Political Economy of the Eastern Mediterranean and the TRNC". The primary aim of the Congress is to bring together the theoretical and applied studies on the political economy of the Eastern Mediterranean region and works on international politics, economics and administrative sciences in general.
As the international system undergoes a transformation and crises and uncertainties prevail in the changing world order, the Eastern Mediterranean continues to be one of the focal points of global politics. The strategic position of the Cyprus island in the security of the Eastern Mediterranean plays a crucial role in the region's and the world's political economy. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) holds a decisive position in the regional balances as an actor that has secured its status as an independent state despite all pressures and isolations from the international community. In recent years, with the regional developments such as new energy discoveries, pipeline projects, transportation corridors, and food security, the position of the Eastern Mediterranean and the TRNC in global politics has become even more prominent. The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation carried out by Turkey in accordance with international law as a guarantor state. Turkey's guarantorship has been the guarantee of peace, stability and development for last 50 years on the island. In this context, around the main theme of "Political Economy of the Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus", we invite paper submissions related to the following topics:
- Geoeconomics of Eastern Mediterranean Region
- Maritime Jurisdiction Disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Supply and Transportation Corridors of the Eastern Mediterranean
- Money and Capital Markets in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Natural Resources and Energy Policies of the Eastern Mediterranean
- TRNC and Southern Cyprus's Eastern Mediterranean Policies (Energy, Economy, Security)
- Turkey and Greece's Eastern Mediterranean Policies (Energy, Economy, Security)
- Eastern Mediterranean Policies of Egypt and Israel
- Syrian and Libyan Crises in the Context of Eastern Mediterranean Security
- Syrian and Libyan Crises in the Context of Eastern Mediterranean Economic and Energy Relations
- Global Actors’ Policies on the Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus
- Cyprus Issue and Search for Solutions
- Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean in Turkey-EU Relations
- Turkic World Integration and Cyprus
- External Relations of TRNC and Southern Cyprus
- Politics, Economy, and Society in Cyprus
- Education, Culture, and Arts in Cyprus
- Regional Economy and Regional Development in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Sustainable Growth and Development in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Energy Economy and Energy Resources Management in the Eastern Mediterranean
- International Trade and Tourism Economy in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Labor Markets and Labor Economics in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Education and Health Economics in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Poverty, Income Distribution, and Welfare Economics in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Money and Capital Markets in the Eastern Mediterranean
In addition to the main theme of the Congress, papers related to the following main fields of the international politics, economics and administrative sciences will also be accepted:
- International Politics
- Theories of International Relations
- International Law
- International Organizations
- Climate Crisis and Environmental Studies
- Migration Studies
- Agriculture and Environmental Economics
- Industrial Organization
- Technology Management and Knowledge Society
The language of the Congress will be both Turkish and English. Paper submissions should be uploaded to the submission system in English and as extended abstracts. Extended abstracts should be between 600-800 words. Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the "Abstract Book".
It will be possible to attend the Congress both in-person and online.
Authors wishing to publish their work as a book chapter should upload the full text of their papers to the submission system. Full-text papers can be both in Turkish or English. Papers in full-text format will be evaluated by the scientific committee through a double-blind peer review process and accordingly will be included in a book project to be published by TODAIE Publishing, an international publishing house of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University.
There will be no participation fee.
Faculty of Business and Economics, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, TRNC.
Click here for application and abstract submission.
Congress Website: Political Economy of the Eastern Mediterranean and the TRNC