Published Date: Tuesday, 19 October 2021
Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU),
Business and Economics Faculty has
been granted the “active member” status
following presenting its first progress report
in United Nations Principles for Responsible
Management Education platform. EMU was
initially joined the platform back in 2019.
EMU Faculty of Business and Economics
Dean Prof. Dr. Selcan Timur stated that
PRME, supported by the United Nations
(UN) and established on the basis of the
United Nations Global Compact, has 6
basic and founding principles, and said that
these principles are based on the progress
of corporate sustainability and social
responsibility efforts. Working with six
basic principles, PRME aims to raise the
sustainability profile in universities around
the world and to provide future managers
with the knowledge and skills related to
these principles. While drawing attention
to the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), PRME aims to align academic
institutions with the UN Global Compact.
SDG is a universal call to action to eradicate
poverty, protect our planet and ensure that all
people live in peace and prosperity. It aims
to provide the necessary skills (corporate
sustainability, adherence to ethical values
that take into account all stakeholder groups
in the decision-making process, etc.) while
raising future leaders and managers as
Responsible Managers for the realization of
the SDG.
Prof. Dr. Timur made the following
statements regarding the matter; “In our
Progress Report given to PRME, we have
included our work within the framework of
these 6 principles. As we have shown in this
report, the departments in our Faculty will
contribute to our students and stakeholders’
understanding of the importance of social and
corporate sustainability, social responsibility
and environmental protection, and will carry
out activities to establish educational and
developmental systems.”